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Issues Associated with Dormant Thai Bank Accounts
Recent announcements suggest that Thai bank accounts which remain dormant for more than 10 years could be closed.
Real Estate Transfer Fees and Property Taxes in Thailand
Unlike other jurisdictions, Thailand utilizes a unique real estate transfer tax system along with other incomparable property tax mechanisms.
Wills and Estates: Issues Specific to Property in Thailand
There are specific issues to consider with respect to probate and estate matters in Thailand, especially where foreign holders of Thai property or real estate is concerned.
Are There Trusts in Thailand?
Unlike many other jurisdictions around the world, Thailand does not allow for trust structures.
Land Title Due Diligence in Thailand
In many cases, due diligence is required before investing serious funds into a real estate venture in Thailand.
What is a Thai House Registration Book (Tabien Baan)?
A Thai house registration book (or Tabien Baan) is a document which registers one's address in Thailand. It can be a very important document and in some cases a foreign national is eligible to receive one.
Alcohol Licenses in Thailand
Whether an incorporated entity or not, an establishment serving alcohol in Thailand must obtain an alcohol license.
Tobacco Licenses in Thailand
Whether an establishment is incorporated or not selling tobacco on premises requires a tobacco license. This may be the case even where tobacco is not being sold, but merely consumed.
Will There Be Changes in Real Estate Taxes in Thailand Soon?
There has been discussion regarding a possible overhaul of the Thai real estate and property tax regime.
Thailand SEC Communication On Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
Thai authorities are currently in the process of drafting a regulatory framework to deal with digital currency and initial coin offerings.