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Immigrant Visa Options For Spouses of Americans
This article and video provides information about immigrant visa options for spouses of United States Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents.
K-3 Visas for Spouses of American Citizens
A brief overview of the aspects of the K-3 marriage visa for spouses of American Citizens
K-1 visas for Fiances of US Citizens
A brief overview of the K-1 visa and how it functions to bring a foreign fiance to the USA.
USA Visa Denial and Section 214(b)
A brief discussion on US visa denials with a specific emphasis upon denials pursuant to section 214(b) of the US Immigration and Nationality Act.
Trump's Recent Executive Orders: Impact in Legal Terms
A look at the recently issued executive orders banning entry of certain foreign nationals and updates regarding the overall legal posture of the situation.
US Visas, The Violence Against Women Act, and Lift of Conditions
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) provides beneficial options for abused spousal immigrants in the USA.
K-1 Visas from Thailand and Issues Regarding Advance Parole
A brief overview of the status conferred by a K-1 visa upon arrival in the USA and the benefits of advance parole
The K-1 Visa: Is Employment Authorized?
Information about the K-1 visa and the necessity of labor authorization prior to adjustment of status
Recent Changes to US Immigration Forms
Recently, some of the forms associated with the American immigration process were modified.
US Visa Thailand: Petition Approval and ReAuthorization
Information about approved US family immigration petitions and the usual process of re-authorization in Thailand.