Legal Services & Resources
Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
Contact us: +66 2-266 3698
What Is A Condominium Juristic Person in Thailand?
Information about the legal infrastructure of condos in Thailand.
Comparing Thai Property Title Deeds & Yellow House Books
Property Title (Chanote for example) and a yellow House Book (Tabien Baan) are two different instruments with differing rights and privileges.
Thailand Wills: How Will an Estate Be Administered?
Information on probate and testamentary instruments in Thailand.
Bangkok Shutdown: What Is Closed?
The "soft shutdown" of Bangkok has resulted in the closure of many venues.
American Citizens Services Appointments: Residence Affidavits in Thailand
ACS (American Citizen Services) at the US Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand can provide an affidavit of residence under specific circumstances.
Buying a Thai Condo in the Aftermath of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
In the aftermath of COVID19 it seems logical to assume that here will be bargains in the condominium market of Thailand.
Buying Thai Property in the Aftermath of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
As the COVID-19 lock downs are lifted there are likely to be bargains in the Thai real estate market
Selling a Condominium in Thailand
Information on perfecting the sale of a condo in Thailand.
Selling, Assignment, or Sublease of a Lease in Thailand
Information on transactions involving leasehold property in Thailand.