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Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
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Thailand Property Law: Usufruct and Superfices
Information about the benefits of usufruct and superfices under Thai law.
Issues Associated With Long Term Leases in Thailand
Leasing is one option for foreigners to enjoy property benefits in Thailand. However there are restrictions on just how long a lease can be enforceable.
Can Foreigners Inherit Real Estate in Thailand?
As previously noted, it is virtually impossible for foreign nationals to own land in Thailand. However, the question of inheriting land through the Thai probate process is something of a different issue.
Opening a Bank Account in Thailand
Although seemingly straightforward, opening a bank account in Thailand can prove difficult especially for those who do not have a long term Thai visa and/or work permit.
Can a Foreigner Own a House in Thailand?
Can a Farang (foreigner) own a house? Is a commonly asked question in Thailand. The answer, surprisingly for some is, strictly speaking: yes.
Issues Associated with Dormant Thai Bank Accounts
Recent announcements suggest that Thai bank accounts which remain dormant for more than 10 years could be closed.
Wills and Estates: Issues Specific to Property in Thailand
There are specific issues to consider with respect to probate and estate matters in Thailand, especially where foreign holders of Thai property or real estate is concerned.
Are There Trusts in Thailand?
Unlike many other jurisdictions around the world, Thailand does not allow for trust structures.
Land Title Due Diligence in Thailand
In many cases, due diligence is required before investing serious funds into a real estate venture in Thailand.
Financial Institutions Encourage Investment in the Eastern Economic Corridor
Government and Financial Institutions seem keen to promote investment in the EEC.