So What Are You?

Some insight into being an American Attorney of Thai nationality.

"Legally Obfuscating and Morally Bankrupt"?

Some clarification and insight on a comment made on a recent video regarding Human Rights.

Lockdowns "Very Unlikely To Be Re-Imposed"

Some insight on the Lockdowns in Thailand and whether they could be coming to an end soon.

When Did "Cases" Become the Metric?

A discussion on the paradigm shift from the number of "deaths" which were the metric to the number of "cases" becoming the metric.

Thai Gold In Our Crazy World

Some information and insight on Thai Gold and how it can be considered a good investment especially during uncertain times such as now.

Fully "Endemic by July"?

Some positive news regarding the continued re-opening of Thailand and the decision to treat COVID-19 as endemic by July.

PayPal in Thailand: VAT Issues

An update regarding use of PayPal in Thailand and the issue of Revenue collection which could be the reason behind the recent changes.

Are Russia & Ukraine Really to Blame for Thailand's Tourism Slump?

A discussion on a recent article and some insight on whether the conflict between Russia and Ukraine should be blamed for the lack of tourists to Thailand.

Why Does the Data Keep Changing?

A talk on the recent pandemic and fatalities in Thailand which now appear to be less than were originally thought which seems to indicate that we should now be able to move on.

Let's Not Normalize PCR Testing for Travel

A discussion and some insight with regards to PCR testing which should be done away with as soon as it is announced that COVID is endemic.