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Thai Gold In Our Crazy World

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I have done a few videos on Thai gold in the past, I haven't done many lately mostly because there is really only so much that can be said but something I think is kind of interesting. I was talking about this with an expat the other day. Thai gold can be, I am obviously not giving out any investment advice, I am just talking about for myself being here in Thailand I find Thai gold rather interesting. It is highly fungible; it can be moved into cash rather quickly. There are Thai Gold Shops everywhere in Thailand, they are ubiquitous, they are all about. Yes, Thai gold operates on a different weight and measure compared to the international standard but in Thailand, it is pretty readily used. I wouldn't necessarily say it is at the fungibility of cash, money in the sense of day-to-day transactions but it is highly useful and it can store value for a relatively prolonged period of time. These are things that in my opinion are going to have a premium on them as things become more complex in the world in which we are living and as we have noted, there is a lot of stuff going on; Ukraine, the world is coming out of lockdown but that is kind of its own bag of cats if you will, like it has got its own problems. 

So long story short, just something to think about. Now Thai gold is not going to be real useful to somebody that is living in Iceland or Argentina. Here in Southeast Asia, especially if you are an expat here in Thailand, I think there is something to be said for the ability to store value in Thai gold.