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PayPal in Thailand: VAT Issues

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing PayPal in Thailand. For those unaware, we made a video a couple of weeks back, maybe 2 weeks back maybe 10 days discussing the fact that Thailand especially on an individual level is now an effective no-go for folks who are looking to do business in Thailand in a freelance way. 

Now we are starting to see, I have talked to individuals who said, they have sent me messages that "I can start using it again" and I have had a lot of people contacting me about PayPal, "why is this being done?" Well, why do governments do a lot of what they do? It is taxes, and I think VAT or lack thereof, lack of collection of VAT, had a lot to do with driving the policy behind shutting down PayPal to begin with. Then it seems like, we have our corporate PayPal addresses. We had to go through a ton of documentation due diligence with PayPal and the relevant authorities; getting the documentation to prove up we are an ongoing operation here in Thailand so we can continue to utilize PayPal as and when necessary; it is pretty rarely do it but we do use it. What became immediately apparent to me was the fact that tax collection was the primary issue concerning whoever was implementing this policy based on the pre-March 1, 2022 PayPal and the post-March 1, 2022 PayPal interface that we have been dealing with. 

So to me it is pretty clear it is a tax matter and I suspect it is the Value Added Tax here in Thailand that is of most concern to the Revenue Department, the various policy makers regarding Revenue collection here in Thailand associated with PayPal.