Is A Person "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" In Thailand?

A discussion on the Thai Court system which states that a person must undergo due process to prove that they are in fact guilty which indicates that in Thailand, one is 'innocent until proven guilty'.

"Big Joke" Says Police Will Appeal Ruling On Thai Traffic Tickets?

Some news regarding Big Joke"" in the context of the issuance of traffic tickets which the Administrative Court has stated that the way the tickets are issued is non Constitutional.

Thai Immigration Police Taking On More Law Enforcement Functions?

A talk on Thai Immigration Police specifically regarding a recent article which indicates that Thai Immigration Police are now also involved in Law Enforcement even on an international level.

"The List Of Dangerous Persons" Not "Allowed To Enter Thailand"?

A discussion regarding the "Blacklist" in Thailand in the context of criminal or violent behaviour which would result in one being put on the list and not permitted to enter Thailand again even after reaching the period set originally.

Thai Police Brass Meet American Ambassador On Human Trafficking?

A talk on law enforcement in Thailand specifically on the issue of Human Trafficking which Thailand views as a very serious issue and needs to be eradicated.

A "Drug Court" In Thailand?

A talk regarding drug cases in Thailand for which the Supreme Court in Thailand is now looking into setting up an Appeal Court that will be dedicated to narcotics cases in order to speed up the process.

Has "Big Joke" Found A New Mission?

Another discussion on "Big Joke" and law enforcement in that it seems that now he has turned his focus on human trafficking in Thailand which is an issue that needs to be torn out, root and branch.