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Has "Big Joke" Found A New Mission?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing well "Big Joke" again. And as we have discussed in prior videos, it looks like "Big Joke's" sort of attention is being focused more and more in targeting, it looks me like human trafficking. 

We have done other videos on this channel talking about that but I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Rescued waitress says abused, tortured by restaurant owner. And I urge those, as usual check out this article in detail, a lot of information in there. Quoting directly: "A good Samaritan has rescued a young woman being treated like a slave by a restaurant owner who allegedly abused and tortured her for years after helping her and her family when she was abducted and abused as a teenager. Ekkapop Laungprasert, the founder of Sai Mai Tong Rot (Survive) Facebook page, accompanied the 21-year-old victim to file a report with Deputy National Police Chief, Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn," that is Big Joke. Quoting further: "Pol Gen Surachate said he would call in the Superintendent of Pasi Charoen Police and they would jointly question the restaurant owner. No names were released."

So what should one take away from this? Well to my mind "Big Joke" is getting pretty darned serious about human trafficking. If he is showing up to personally file police reports and follow up directly in these cases, it means it is a pretty high priority. Look I have been following "Big Joke", General Surachate since going back what, 2017 he first came on my radar when he took over at Thai Immigration, I think it was late 2017. Then going into 2018, we saw major changes, major crackdowns, I mean unprecedented stuff quite honestly in terms of crackdowns, especially in terms of rounding up folks, illegals, people on overstay. We had not seen that, I hadn't seen it for years and especially, I don't think I had ever seen anything on that scale. So to see "Big Joke" start to target some of this human trafficking stuff, I think it is noteworthy in that one, it is a good thing as I have discussed in other videos, I think tearing this stuff out just, I would say the terms "root and branch" isn't a bad idea. 

But leaving that aside, it is worth noting that this seems to be something of a change in direction if you will regarding law enforcement efforts taken by "Big Joke" as this seems to be something he is targeting right now. I don't know if that will have ramifications for Immigration in the future, but that being said, we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as that situation evolves.