Insurance Documentation Issues and Thai Visas

A brief explanation on foreign insurance versus local insurance in the context of Thai Immigration

Thai Visa Extension Stamps while Residency Applications Are Pending

Some insight on how to maintain status in Thailand whilst an application for Thai Permanent Residence is pending

Will the National Vetting Center Go Away Under Biden?

Some insight on the National Vetting Center (NVC) and whether the Biden Administration will make use of its services.

The CR-1 and IR-1 Visa Process in 2021

Some insight on whether there will be any changes or improvements to the CR-1 and IR-1 Visa processes in 2021

The K-3 Visa Process in 2021

Some insight into changes or improvements that may occur in the K-3 visa process in 2021

Pension Documentation and Thai Visas

Some insight into the best method of proving one's income that is most acceptable for Thai Immigration for a Retirement Visa

Certification of Foreign Marriage for Thai Visa Issuance

Some information on the possibility of using a Foreign Marriage Certificate to apply for a Thai Marriage Visa

Should the 90 Day Report System be Fixed or Eliminated in Thailand?

Some insight on the 90-day reporting and if improvements to the report system could be made in the future.

Thai Visas: Issues with Joint Bank Accounts

Some insight into the reasoning behind Thai Immigration's requirement that those with joint bank accounts need to show a balance of 8000,000 Baht in the account as opposed to the 400,000 Baht requirement for a personal account.

The Royal Thai Consulate in Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China

Some brief information on the Royal Thai Consulate in Shanghai, China


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