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Thai Property and Marriage Laws

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Marriage Laws and how it interacts with Property Law here in Thailand. I thought of this after reading a comment on our channel: "Hi Benjamin, do the rules, laws for foreign ownership change if said person is married to a Thai person?"

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about marriage to a Thai may confer the ability to buy land, it doesn't. They are two totally different sets of rules, sets of laws. Simply being married to a Thai National doesn't change the fact that one is a foreign national if they are foreign national, and foreign nationals are precluded from owning land in Thailand.

Now there are actually some changes with respect to documentation which Land Offices will require folks to sign if they are married to a Thai because they have to acknowledge the purchase and disclaim ownership. There is an element of signing, I can remember when I was still a foreign national and my wife had bought something, I had to go down to the Land Office and sign something that said I didn't have any right in it. People often don't really understand that that is what they are signing. It is a disclaimer that they do not have any land ownership rights in that underlying property. Now depending on circumstances, in the event of probate and things like this, that could shift; again it is circumstantially dependent but the thing to understand and take away from this video is marriage in and of itself does not alter the rules and restrictions associated with foreign ownership of land in the Kingdom of Thailand.