Thai Visa Applications: Tumblers in a Lock

Some insight into how the visa process during the COVID response period could be viewed

Could We Soon See "Friendlier" Immigration in Thailand?

Some discussion on changes to Immigration regulations that may be made in order to increase foreign investment in Thailand

The Royal Thai Embassy in Moscow, Russian Federation

Some brief information on the Royal Thai Embassy in Moscow, Russia

What Do I Do If My Green Card Expires While I'm Abroad?

Some information on what steps can be taken if one's Green Card expires while a person in not in the United States

Why Is USCIS Taking So Long To Issue Receipt Notices?

Some observations on the delays with respect to the lockbox and some insight into what the process may be like under the new administration.

Will the "Regulatory Guillotine" Make Things in Thailand Easier?

Some information on changes and amendments to business regulations which, if implemented, should make doing business in Thailand smoother.

Isn't a Certificate of Entry (COE) the Same Thing as a Thai Visa?

A brief explanation on the difference between a COE and a Visa to Thailand

Thai Visas: COVID Test vs Fit to Fly Documentation

A brief explanation about the COVID test and Fit to Fly documentation which are both needed to travel to Thailand at the present time.

Thai Wills: What Is a Legatee?

Some information on Thai Wills specifically the meaning of "Legatee" in the context of a Will

Duties Associated with Usufructs in Thailand

Some information on Usufructs and limitations and duties associated with Usufructs in Thailand


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