"We Can't Help" Often Takes the Most Time

A quick video to provide some further understanding regarding free consultations and the process by which correspondence is handled at the firm.

Reflections on Thailand's "Phuket Sandbox"?

A quick review and some personal insight regarding the Covid Pandemic and how it was handled by Thailand in the form of the Phuket Sandbox Scheme.

Expatriation and "Traveling Naked" over International Borders?

A talk and some insight regarding the ability to travel internationally, unencumbered by luggage if one has a second abode to fall back on in another country.

A Page from the Chinese Expat Book on Thailand?

A discussion on Chinese Expats and how they have a Plan B at the ready which enables them to get on a plane and go to another country for a while.

What's a "Passport Bro"?

A talk on a new cultural phenomenon practiced by some American men who have chosen to start a relationship with women from other countries.

An Exit Tax in Thailand?

A discussion on the exit or departure tax that was briefly mentioned in the media which is in fact not going to be implemented.

In Asia: It Costs Money to Be Legal

A discussion on living and working in Asia for which fees are required in order to gain legal documentation and legal status.

The Gulf of Thailand Is Not the Caribbean

A talk and some insight on a recent article which suggested that the visa schemes in the Caribbean were more successful than the 10-year Thai Golden Visa when in fact the analogy is not valid.

Update on Cambodian "Golden Visas"?

A talk to provide some information regarding the Cambodian 10-year Visa which is a category which will be interesting to a small subset of people and may provide a second passport in a few years time.