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Possible US Visa Sanctions Against Cambodian Nationals
Certain restrictions have been placed upon US visa issuance for Cambodian nationals.
Thailand Education (ED) Visas
The Thai Education visa, or ED visa, can be a very useful travel document for those wishing to study in Thailand.
US Visa Thailand: Extreme Vetting in the Context of the K-3 Visa
The processing of K-3 marriage visas can be impacted by the recently promulgated "extreme vetting" policies of the Trump administration.
American Secretary of State Comments on US Immigration Policy
Rex Tillerson, US Secretary of State, recently commented upon Us Immigration policy.
Thailand Looking To Attract British Retirees Post Brexit
Since Brexit, it appears Thai officials are looking to attract more British retirees to live long term as expats in Thailand.
What Are Reasonable Expectations For US Visa Processing Time?
Although every immigration case varies as far as processing timing, there are reasonable expectations with respect to the timing of the overall process.
Further Crackdowns on Overstay for Thai Visa Holders
Recent announcements have shown that Thai authorities remain committed to finding and deporting those who overstay their visa status.
US Visa Application Processing: Issues Associated with DOS Staffing
Changes in in State Department policy and the falling numbers with respect to recruitment could have a significant impact upon visa processing in the future.
The 90 Day Fiancée Visa
The K-1 visa allows a foreign fiancee 90 days lawful status in the USA in order to marry and adjust status.
Update Regarding Possible US Immigration Reform
There has been a substantial amount of discussion recently regarding the possibility of reforming the US Immigration system.