No Quarantine for Vaccinated Arrivals from November 1st in Thailand?

An update with regards to travel to Thailand without quarantine for those who have been vaccinated which seems to be commencing from November 1, 2021.

Ramifications of Amendments to Thai Communicable Disease Act

A discussion on the Thai Communicable Disease Act to which changes are being proposed which could effectively be making the Emergency Decree permanent.

Could Gambling Save the Thai Tourism Sector?

A discussion and some insight with regards to gambling and whether it could boost the Thai economy by attracting more tourists.

Clarification on Thai Work Permits and Condo Rental

Some additional clarification on a recent video on the same topic regarding whether or not a Work Permit is necessary when renting out a Condo in Thailand.

When Did "Health Surveillance" Become a Thing?

A discussion and some insight regarding "health surveillance" while travelling within one's country and if this should be considered a concern.

Do Thai Spouses of Foreigners Lose the Right to Own Land?

Some information with regards to the ability of a Thai woman to own land if she were to marry a Foreign man.

Singing The "Blues" For Pattaya Reopening?

A discussion and some insight with regards to a proposal being put forward to change the focus in Pattaya from entertainment to business and leisure.

Is There a Rule Against Perpetuities in Thailand?

Some information regarding a Rule against Perpetuities and the fact that this is a Common Law notion rather than a Civil Law notion.

Thai PM Says Thailand Can "Avoid Further Lockdown"

A discussion and some insight on a statement by the Thai PM on Lockdowns and the hope that any additional lockdowns would not be necessary.

Thai Wills and Foreign Wills

A quick explanation with regards to Thai and Foreign Wills specifically whether they are mutually exclusive.