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ResourcesThailand Real Estate & Property LawTitleDo Thai Spouses of Foreigners Lose the Right to Own Land?

Do Thai Spouses of Foreigners Lose the Right to Own Land?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai real estate specifically land. We are discussing this in the context of a Thai spouse who basically whether or not by marrying a foreign national does that Thai spouse automatically relinquish their ability to earn real estate in Thailand.

I started thinking about this as a result of a recent article from the Pattaya Mail, that is, the article is titled: Plans to allow foreigners to own Thai land hit the first brick. Quoting directly: "Prior to1998, any Thai woman who married a foreigner lost her right to purchase land in Thailand but she can now do so provided the foreign spouse signs an affidavit stating he has no claim. So yeah, interesting. I urge those who are watching this video check out the Pattaya Mail,, it is good article. There is a lot in there, a lot of insight. I really like the stuff Pattaya Mail puts out by and large because not only is it topical, it usually has kind of main theme. There is always just side information in there that is very interesting. Bangkok Post does the same thing oftentimes but

So prior to '98 it was the situation I guess you could say that a Thai woman who married a foreign man, they would no longer have the ability to own land. It just came part and parcel with marrying that foreigner. Now again, yes it is possible. That law has changed and I don't particularly see any reason to think that that is ever coming back. 

So long story short yes it is possible for a Thai woman who is married to a foreign national spouse to be able to own Thai property presently here in the Kingdom of Thailand.