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Happy New Year from Integrity Legal!
A annual holiday wish to Integrity Legal's clients and all viewers of this channel for a great 2025.
"Phuket As a Bitcoin Sandbox" As Concerning As the Last "Sandbox"?
This is a talk regarding a recent suggestion by a former Prime Minister of Thailand, to use Phuket as a pilot Bitcoin payment project for Thailand when sound economics works best.
Thailand Formally Joins BRICS?
This is another talk on Brics which is a supranational organization of which it appears that Thailand has now become a member which hopefully will turn out to be a good decision for the economy.
Another Boeing Mechanical Issue?
This talk is on the issues that have arisen with the Boeing aircrafts specifically one of the models, which could have a detrimental impact on the business as orders for new aircraft could drop.
Thai Irony: Convict Using Lawfare While Decrying "Sensational Media"?
This talk is on how a past Prime Minister of Thailand once used the media to his own benefit, but now when the media disagrees with him, he is decrying sensationalism which seems quite hypocritical.
Certification of the American Presidential Election?
This is a quick breakdown to provide some clarity regarding the US election process whereby Trump's electoral college victory will be certified by the Vice President in January.
Tax Issues, Wills, and Estate Planning in Thailand?
This talk is for foreigners who own property in Thailand such as a condo whereby it may be beneficial to look into ways of reducing any tax liabilities after one passes away.
Is "Lower Loan Growth" Bad for Thailand?
This talk is regarding the economy of Thailand going into 2025 specifically concerns that have come up following the election of Trump, even though at the same time, the Central Bank has predicted a growth of 2.9% .
Why Doesn't Thai Parliament Rectify Antiquated Laws?
This is a general talk regarding the legal system in Thailand specifically with a focus on some laws which were promulgated long ago but should now be amended to be in line with present day advancements.