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Issues Getting a Marriage Registered in Thailand
Some information with regards to the process of registering a marriage here in Thailand which is facing some delays due to COVID and public health and safety concerns
"Village Weddings" in Thailand?
A talk on weddings in Thailand whereby a marriage must be registered in order to be considered legal and "village weddings" are purely a ceremony.
Will We See Marriage Equality in Thailand?
A discussion regarding marriages for persons of the same sex in Thailand inasmuch as there is now much movement on this topic.
Foreign Same-Sex Couples Can Get a Thai Civil Union?
Some news regarding an amendment to the Civil Partnership Bill in Thailand which now allows foreign same sex couples to register their union.
Has Getting Married in Thailand Gotten Harder?
A discussion on getting one's marriage registered in Thailand which logistically has become more time consuming than in the past.
Is Getting Married In Thailand Harder Now Than It Was In The Past?
A talk on changes that have occurred over the past few years one of them being the process of registering a marriage in Thailand which is now noticeably more time consuming than before.
Thailand To Change Law On Marriage?
A talk on Marriage Law in Thailand for which the minimum age for marriage is going to be pushed up so as to be in line with International principles.
How Long Does It Take To Register A Thai Marriage?
A talk on the Marriage Registration process in Thailand especially if one of the persons is a foreign national which means that various documentation will be required.