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ResourcesFamily LawMarriage RegistrationHas Getting Married in Thailand Gotten Harder?

Has Getting Married in Thailand Gotten Harder?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussion marriage in Thailand specifically marriage registration in Thailand. For those who are unaware, Thailand utilizes what is called a Civil Law system and they utilize a Civil Registrar system to register both marriages and divorces. 

Now in the past, this was something that would usually take about a week end to end. Somebody would come to us, want to go ahead and get married; they would head down to the Embassy and get some documentation, then use that to go; it had to be legalized by the Thai Government and then you could go down to one of these Civil Registrar Offices and get married. That has ended in the sense that the era of being able to get that done in a matter of days has definitely ended. Unfortunately appointment, at least the American Embassy it takes usually a minimum of a week and I mean minimum, usually substantially more to get an appointment at the Embassy. You are going to be weeks out to get an appointment at the Embassy just to get the documents you need in order to then present those to the Thai Government. The Thai Government once was able to do this in a day, now it is taking them like as long as two or three weeks to finish off their part of the process before getting the marriage, getting to an office to get married. Well unfortunately that is a pretty big milestone. In the past, you could do this in about a week; now I mean I have seen some cases take almost as long as 6 months, excuse me 6 weeks not months, 6 weeks to get a marriage actually perfected here in Thailand. I mean that is staggering. I can't tell you how staggering that is in terms of time frames that we were used to not that long ago. 

So the thing to understand about this and the thing to take away from this video is, yeah it has gotten more difficult to get married in Thailand compared to the past in a logistical sense. Those who are interested in getting married in Thailand, there may be multiple different options depending on your circumstances. It may be a good idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.