Are K-1 Visas Faster than CR-1 or IR-1 Visas?

A quick comparison between US Fiancé Visas and US Spouse visas specifically regarding speed in the overall process.

Can I Presume an Ability to Change Thai Visa Status?

A discussion and some insight with regards to whether it is possible to convert visa status while on is in Thailand.

Navigating Thai Business Visa and Work Permit Options

A discussion on the visas that provide work authorization for those who wish to work in Thailand and how to make the best choice.

Do You Need Insurance for Admission to Vietnam?

Some information regarding the gradual relaxation of entry requirements for countries in the region specifically with a focus on Vietnam.

Thai Permanent Residence: Old Tricks Are the Best Tricks?

A quick talk and some insight on the new visas that are being implemented in Thailand and how they compare to standard Thai Permanent Residence.

Is the Thai O Retirement Visa More Popular than the O-A?

A quick discussion on the Thai Retirement Visas with a focus on why an applicant would choose the O rather than the O-A Visa.

Is Insurance Required for Admission to the Philippines?

Some information regarding entry requirements for different countries in the region with a focus on Philippines.

Any Changes to Thai O Marriage Visas?

A quick review on some issues that need to be considered and also some benefits of the Thai O Marriage Visa.

ALERT: Suspension of US Consular Services in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Some advice for those in the North of Thailand in that the US Consulate in Chiengmai is temporarily suspending Consular Services.

You Mean Dropping Thailand Pass Increases Arrivals!?!

A discussion on a recent article regarding the easing of entry requirements for Thailand which has resulted in an increase of entrants via the Southern Border checkpoint