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Do You Need Insurance for Admission to Vietnam?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the entry requirements, specifically insurance requirements to be admitted to Vietnam here in Southeast Asia. I have been making a number of videos about some of the countries here around Thailand recently, mostly because as we have seen Thailand reopen, I think it is possible we may start seeing folks maybe doing little regional jaunts if they come to Thailand on vacation. They may want to run over and see Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and basically go have a look around look around the region. That is pretty common practice for folks. They like to come over here; Siem Reap in Cambodia, a lot of folks like to go over there, Da Nang, it is my understanding a lot of retirees especially like to hop over to Da Nang every once in a while in Vietnam. 

The reason for the video and the reason I got to think of making it I was reading a recent article in the Pattaya Mail,, the article is titled: Regional roundup of compulsory insurance regulations for July entry. Under the subcategory of Vietnam: Vietnam is still requiring a minimum of US $10,000 cover "including COVID” for the duration of the stay." So notable that it is "duration of stay". Thailand always had, the insurance requirement was for a month and then it kind of became nebulous as to whether you needed any further coverage. It turned out as a practical matter that wasn't really a major issue. It seems that in Vietnam, yeah you have got to be able to prove it up, it has got to be for the duration of your stay. I can't tell from what I have been reading and the research I have tried to do on this whether or not when you are extending any kind of status in Vietnam do they want to see Insurance. Difficult to say. Now again I urge folks who are watching this video, go check out that article in Pattaya Mail,, but yeah as I said, folks like to come out here and kind of bounce around the region. It is looking like as the weeks progress that is becoming more and more feasible, so it stands to reason that maybe by the end of 2022 or maybe even at the end of the third quarter of 2022, we may see a set of circumstances where folks are coming into Thailand, during their time here and then they may hop over to Vietnam for a little while. We will certainly keep you updated on these developments as the situation evolves.