When Is It Endemic, When Does It End?

A discussion on the Covid Pandemic and the delays in downgrading it to becoming an Endemic Disease.

"Big Joke's" "Smart Safety" Initiative in Thailand?

Some interesting news on Big Joke's movements in Thailand specifically on the law enforcement initiatives in Thailand.

Since When Did Illness Become a Criminal Offense?

Another discussion regarding Medical Privacy which in the last couple of years seems to be viewed as less and less important.

Thai Condo Maintenance Fees: Payment Timing?

A talk on the schedule for paying Common Area Fees for a Condo in Thailand and some issues that could arise if one delayed payment of those fees.

4am Closing Time for Entertainment Venues in Thailand?

A discussion on a recent proposal to extend the hours for entertainment venues in Thailand which would be one way to boost tourism which is much needed.

Will the 51-49 Percent Rule for Thai Condos Ever Change?

A talk on the Thai to Foreign ratio regarding ownership rights to Condos in Thailand and whether this ratio will change.

A "Faster Than Expected" Rebound in Thailand's Tourism Sector?

A discussion on the reopening of Thailand after the Covid Pandemic and some indications that maybe the number of tourists will be more than expected.

"Random Health Checks on Anyone Looking Ill" in Thailand?

A talk regarding the reopening of Thailand in that the entry procedures and pre-flight registration is no longer necessary but persons who look unwell could be faced with random health checks.

Is Entertainment in Thailand a "Key Factor" for Tourism Return?

A discussion and some insight on the Entertainment Sector in Thailand and how it is in fact integral to the Thai Tourism Industry.

The Evolving State of Thai Policy on Casinos

A discussion on Gambling which is mostly illegal in Thailand and some insight regarding the opening of Casinos which is now being proposed in Thailand.