Thai Prenuptial Agreements: Formalities and Jurisdictions

Some insight regarding prenuptial agreements specifically in the context of when a person may have have assets in multiple jurisdictions.

Is Getting Married In Thailand Harder Now Than It Was In The Past?

A talk on changes that have occurred over the past few years one of them being the process of registering a marriage in Thailand which is now noticeably more time consuming than before.

Does Thailand Have "Fault" Or "No Fault" Divorce?

A discussion on the on divorce in Thailand, which is a common law jurisdiction, and some insight with regards to the dissolution of a marriage in Thailand.

Thailand To Change Law On Marriage?

A talk on Marriage Law in Thailand for which the minimum age for marriage is going to be pushed up so as to be in line with International principles.

Marriage, Prenuptial Agreements, And Immigration?

A talk regarding Marriage in the context of the jurisdiction in which the marriage occurs which could effect the legalities and formalities of any agreements that are made.

Tax Provisions In Thai-American Prenuptial Agreements

A talk on prenuptial agreements for a marriage between an American and a foreign national in the context of preserving operational flexibility with any future tax filings.

Are There Limitations On Thai-American Prenuptial Agreements?

A talk on Prenuptial Agreements and the misunderstanding that they are related to child custody which is an incorrect understanding.

Conflicts Of Law And Prenuptial Agreements?

A talk on Conflicts of Law and circumstances that could impact a prenup such as being adjudicated in a different jurisdiction from where it was drawn up or the jurisdiction in which the couple are presently residing.

How Long Does It Take To Register A Thai Marriage?

A talk on the Marriage Registration process in Thailand especially if one of the persons is a foreign national which means that various documentation will be required.

Thai-American Prenuptial Agreements

A talk on drawing up prenuptial agreements which have a lot or formalities that must be adhered to, especially when it involves US Immigration