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ResourcesFamily LawPrenuptial and Premarital AgreementsThai Prenuptial Agreements: Formalities and Jurisdictions

Thai Prenuptial Agreements: Formalities and Jurisdictions

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing prenuptial agreements; the title might not be overly clear. What we are talking about is jurisdictional issues and the formalities associated with prenuptial agreements.

Some jurisdictions don't allow prenuptial agreements at all; other jurisdictions might allow them but they may have a number of really strict formality requirements associated with both the drafting as well as possibly the certification of the prenuptial agreement itself. Meanwhile, if you have got a situation where like there are assets in multiple jurisdictions or the parties involved may be living part-time in multiple jurisdictions, jurisdictions, physical jurisdictions, geographic countries basically, different countries, different states within a given country may have vastly different rules with regards to not only the formalities but also the application of family law associated with prenuptial agreements. It's for this reason, especially if you are a bi-national couple where you have got a couple of different nationalities that may be living in multiple different places which may not even be the jurisdictions which are their nationalities, it's probably a good idea to contact a legal professional in such matters because this stuff can get really complex, like far more complex than I think the average person thinks it can get. I think most people kind of make a lot of presumptions and assumptions about the way prenuptial agreements work - for example they think they work like standard contracts - point of fact they don't, they have a lot of different implications than just a standard contract. Again they have family law implications which again, contracts don't have those kind of implications. Then when you are talking about this in the context of a bunch of different countries and how their laws might apply with respect to that prenuptial agreement as well as the underlying marriage or future marriage, again it can get very complex. 

So if you are looking at a situation where you are involved with multiple jurisdictions and you are looking at dealing with a prenuptial agreement, it's probably a good idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.