Setting Up a Restaurant, Bar, Or Club Using a Thai Company

This talk provides information regarding the method that is best for foreigners to use if they wish to set up a food or drinks place in Thailand

"Nominees by Foreign Businesses in Thailand Is a Growing Concern"?

This talk goes into the use of nominees in order to set up businesses in Thailand which is illegal and becoming of growing concern especially in the hotel industry as it will effect the Tourism sector.

The Perils of Corporate Nominees in Thailand?

This talk goes into the legal issues that could arise regarding using nominees in order to set up a company to own land in Thailand as evidenced by a recent incident in Koh Samui.

ALERT: "1,000 Arrests" in Thai Business Nominee Crackdown?

This is another Alert regarding crackdowns in Thailand which seem to becoming more common, particularly on companies using nominees, as evidenced by the large number of business recently raided.

Raids of "Law or Accounting Firms" of Foreign Businesses in Thailand?

This is another talk regarding the continuing raids by Thai Authorities on business which are involved with companies who utilize nominees in Thailand which is illegal and will result in undesirable consequences.

Foreigners Arrested Regarding Business "Reserved Exclusively for Thai Nationals"?

This talk goes into yet another crackdown by Thai Police on companies that were using Thai nominees in order to circumvent the law on restricted occupations.

O Marriage Visas and Employee Ratios for Thai Work Permits?

This is another talk on the foreigners to Thai employee ratio required to set up a standard Thai Company which is different if one is married to a Thai national as only two Thai employees are required per one foreigner.

Any Changes to the US-Thai Treaty of Amity in 2025?

This talk goes into any changes we can expect going into 2025, especially with the upcoming change in Administration as it may relate to the US-Thai Treaty of Amity which should not be impacted.

Will Thai Board of Investment Processing Change in 2025?

This is a talk on the Board of Investment in Thailand which is authorized to grant concessions to some types of business which should continue in 2025 considering the number of inbound investors.

Could Thai Company Setup Procedures Change in 2025?

This is a talk regarding setting up a company in Thailand as we move into 2025 whereby the only major likely change is the move to digitization.