Thai Company Setup and Amity Certification Are Different

A quick explanation regarding the difference between the process of incorporating a Company and the certification under the Amity Treaty.

How Long Does It Take to Set Up a Thai Amity Treaty Company?

A quick discussion on US-Thai Amity Treaty Companies specifically with the timelines associated with the setting up process.

Thai Companies and Work Permits: Registered Capitalization

A brief discussion on the regulations associated with the Capital Requirements to sponsor foreign nationals in a Corporation

Amity Treaty Companies in Thailand: Can Non-Americans Be Involved?

A quick talk on the US-Thai Treaty of Amity which is a bi-lateral treaty which would limit involvement of a third party national being involved as a director or shareholder in such a Company.

Does The Thai Government Care About Small Business?

Some insight regarding how small businesses have been impacted over the past year and the policies being made which are having detrimental impacts on those businesses.

Streamlined Work Permits in Thailand Soon?

A quick discussion on what could be done to improve obstacles in the procedures for obtaining work permits and visas which would in turn aid in making Thailand more desirable for foreign investors.

Can a Thai Company Be Better Than an Amity Company?

Some insight on the upsides and the downsides of a Thai Company versus an Amity Company.

Do I Need a New Thai Work Permit If I Change Jobs?

A quick discussion on Work Permits and whether it is possible to transfer a Work Permit from one Company to another in Thailand.

What Are the Benefits of Thai Amity Treaty Companies?

Some information on the knock-on effects of setting up a Thai Amity Treaty Company in Thailand.

No "Normality" for Thai Hotel Sector until 2023?

Some insight as to the outlook for Thailand with regards to Tourism over the next 1- 2 years.