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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawThai Companies and Work Permits: Registered Capitalization

Thai Companies and Work Permits: Registered Capitalization

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As the title of this video would suggest, we are discussing the registered capitalization of companies which are maintaining Work Permits and presumably Business Visas, or possibly Marriage Visas or for those who have Permanent Residence perhaps here in the Kingdom of Thailand.

The reason for the video is there are regulations associated with maintaining foreign nationals on a Corporation or maybe I should say for a Corporation to act as a sponsor for a Work Permit and/or a Business Visa here in Thailand. The registered capital requirements will depend on the visa or maybe more accurately, the factual circumstances of the foreigner involved. 

Generally speaking, for those who are married to Thai nationals, a 1 million Baht registered capitalization is required for those who are obtaining a Work Permit or sponsorship for a Work Permit on a Company. Those who are maintaining a standard Business Visa, so presumably not married to a Thai national, need 2 million Baht registered capitalization in order to maintain a Work Permit in the Kingdom of Thailand. So again, it is going to vary greatly. Then, depending on how many foreign nationals you have working on a given Company, you have to go up in those increments, 1 or 2 million Baht  per person, per company, per Work Permit and Visa presumably in order to make maintain that. So again, if you have two foreign nationals working on a Thai Company or sponsored by a Thai Company for a Work Permit you are going to have to do two times 2 million; that is going to be 4 million Baht minimum registered capitalization in order to maintain a Work Permit and a Visa on that type of Company.