Can a Foreigner Work in a Restaurant in Thailand?

Foreigners working in a restaurant in Thailand must be careful to avoid violating Thai labor law.

Opening a Restaurant in Thailand

Information about setting up and running a restaurant business in the Kingdom of Thailand.

Thai Hemp Business: Will Foreign Corporate Ownership be Possible?

In the future it may be possible for foreign nationals to have a stake in a Thai hemp enterprise.

Relaxation of the Factory Act in the Kingdom of Thailand

Thai authorities are deregulating certain aspects of the factory startup legal structure.

Is it a Good Time to Invest in Thailand?

Is it a good idea to invest in a business in Thailand at this time?

US-Thai Amity Treaty Certification: What Is an American Company?

Delineating what makes a company "American" pursuant to the Treaty.

Doing Business in Thailand as an American Company

For American companies, there are specific considerations which must be made in order to do business in Thailand.

Thai Corporate Accounting and Work Permits for Foreigners

Corporate maintenance is very important in Thailand as accounting and compliance issues can impact applications for Thai work permits.

Do Foreign YouTubers in Thailand Need a Work Permit?

There is some confusion regarding whether foreign nationals in Thailand using YouTube need to obtain a work permit.

Is It Possible to Get a Lifetime Work Permit in Thailand?

The notion of a "lifetime work permit" is almost a myth in Thailand.