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A New Thai Tourism Office In Chicago?

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As the title of this video suggests, it looks like they are opening a new Tourism Office in Chicago, Illinois, good old US of A. Sweet Home Chicago, Blues Brothers and all of that good stuff. So I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Thai Examiner, that is, the article is titled: Thailand wants far more US and Canadian tourists as long-haul visitors spend twice as much. Quoting directly: "The TAT executive pointed out that the agency is (and by the way the TAT is the Tourism Authority of Thailand), The TAT executive pointed out that the agency is currently in the process of opening a new office in Chicago. On the whole, it will cater to the needs of the Midwest region of America. However, the office will also be able to service Vancouver and Toronto in Canada."

So as a Kansan, I am happy to see that we have got better service from the standpoint of Tourism promotion from Thailand in the Midwest and all my fellow Midwesterners you would do well to look at Thailand as a tourism destination. It's a great place; it's a unique place; it's a one-of-a-kind place and I would really encourage anybody that is looking to go to a tropical paradise to maybe have a look at Thailand. But I think this is great. I this is a good idea. Expanding these TAT offices, it provides greater coverage and allows better spreading of the word if you will about tourism here in the Kingdom.

So this all seems to be kind of part of this new Government's push to really encourage more tourism into the country. I am really happy to see that; I think that is a great idea. I think that's going to benefit the country as a whole and a lot of folks that were really detrimentally impacted by the lockdowns and everything we have been through in the past few years. So hopefully this is part of a greater ongoing trend and we will see more positive activity in this vein moving forward.