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Where Are K-1 Fiancée Visa Petitions Processed?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing for discussing “hey where are K-1 Fiancée Visa petitions processed?” That's actually the underlying petition you are going to be dealing with Department Homeland Security there, specifically USCIS and where exactly do these piles of paper go when you submit them and in the case of the K-1 it is paper, where do you submit them? And more importantly where are they processed?

Well you submit them to a place called the "lock box" which can change periodically. Then the answer is I don't really know in the sense that it's a giant bureaucratic quagmire; it seems to kind of morph and churn over time. There was a time when you knew exactly where your petition would be. Now because they do so much internal sort of workload movement, it seems like it is just sort of almost a mixed bag of which processing center a K-1 petition is going to end up in. Now this being said, does it really matter? I know there's a lot out there in the forums and everything about "this place processes faster, this place is a black hole"; there may be some truth in some of that. At the end of the day when I asked does it matter, I think it matters or maybe I should say I think it doesn't matter in the sense that there is not a lot you can do about sort of picking your processing centre, there is no real forum shopping in that regard. That being said, yeah depending on how long a case is taking, there may be remedies especially if it gets way outside of any kind of reasonable time frame, there may be ways to go ahead and deal with the processing of a petition; there may be ways to speed it up, to get the Government essentially light a fire under them and get them moving. Now again it varies, it is circumstantially dependent. Most of the remedies are frankly relatively costly and rather cumbersome.

At the end of the day I found we have had to deal with just a lot of unfortunately ‘quagmiring’ for lack of a better term in the overall system. I wish it could move faster, I truly do. If I could do anything to make it move faster, I happily would. At the end of the day though, I don't know why the processing centres take the time that they take. Years back it wasn't even an issue. You submit it, essentially a prima facie approvable case and they approved it and they moved it on. We dealt with the Embassy. the Embassy was always kind of where things, if there was going to be a log jam that happened, it happened at the Embassy. That has kind of been inverted and yeah now we are dealing with processing centres which in my opinion can only be described kind of as a quagmire.