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What Interview Questions will be asked in a K-3 Visa Application?
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As a title of this video suggests, we are discussing K-3 visas: specifically K-3 supplemental marriage visa applications associated with the spouses of American citizens. In this case I'm kind of taking it from a Thailand perspective because we are based here in Bangkok but that being said we do handle these cases on a regional basis so this video is not necessarily country-specific but again most of my experience is having been dealt with the US Embassy and Consulate Section of the US Embassy here in Bangkok.
So let me first preface this video the rest of this video by saying, I am not going to sit here and list the type of questions they are going to ask. Instead people need to sort of get their paradigm right with respect to how the interview works and the type of questions which are going to be asked.
The interviewing officers at a US Embassy or Consulate abroad are not particularly in the business of confusing Immigrants or stumping them or creating consternation. They are simply functionaires if you will whose job it is to do the due diligence on somebody looking to come into the United States, ascertain if they have any legal grounds of inadmissibility present and if they meet the requirements inherent to the visa application. Their job again is not to intimidate or cause problems. If anything they are there to make sure that the people that are going through the process are legitimate and doing what they say they're doing; it is not a sham marriage for example or a so-called marriage of convenience and there are no legal grounds of inadmissibility which may be derived from either a criminal history or maybe not even a criminal history but certain activities that have occurred which do rise to the level of being considered legal ground of inadmissibility. They are also looking at one's Visa status. They are looking at ones overstay status; if anyone has ever overstayed in the United States: one’s prior record with immigration for example. All of these things go in to how the visa application adjudicator is going to go ahead and process that application. So bearing that in mind, a good legal professional such as myself, we have to sort of in a sense, get into the head-space of the adjudicator and understand the underlying law pertaining to US Immigration so that we can advise our clients what we think are going to be possible questions in the interview, for example. I do this frequently and also advise them on how to concisely and accurately answer those questions. This is not an exercise of dancing around or trying to provide colorful language or flowery language if you will. It is simply a matter of concisely and accurately conveying ones intentions, conveying ones situation, providing the relevant information that is requested and moving through the process. As I said, a good legal professional is going to be able to think about it, not just from the perspective of the adjudicating officer but also from the perspective of their client. In many cases I find my clients are just very, very nervous when going into the interview process and putting them at ease a little bit is something I try to do as best one can because I think going through an immigration process, and I have been through an immigration process in my own, sort of going in the other direction, and yes it is a daunting task on the best of days.
So my point being is a good legal professional basically tries to provide as much insight as possible to the applicant, the interviewing applicant, while simultaneously providing enough ability for that interviewing applicant to concisely and accurately explain themselves and get through the interview in such a way that it facilitates a streamline efficient processing of the underlying visa application.