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What Are the Interview Questions for a K-1 Fiancée Visa Application?
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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing K-1 fiancée visas and specifically we are discussing a question that comes up a lot frankly when I deal with folks who are looking to bring a Thai fiancée over from Thailand to the United States; or frankly any fiancée. I shouldn't just limit that to nationality as we do deal with other cases in this region but for the most part, my practice here especially with respect to Immigration, does deal primarily with Thai Nationals looking to travel to the US.
With respect to the K-1 fiancée visa, let me be clear. I am not just going to start listing interview questions; it really wouldn't do you any good anyway. A good legal professional that's dealing with the interview is looking at the given circumstances of the case in order to ascertain sort of, in a way, you kind of want to get your head into the mindset of the officer interviewing individuals who are undertaking visa applications at the US Embassy. You want to get your mind into the adjudicating Consular Officer's head space to best understand what questions are likely to be asked.
In some cases the questions or rather routine and frankly the interview is rather short. In other cases, especially cases involving possible grounds of inadmissibility, either legal grounds of inadmissibility from the standpoint of US Immigration law, but even where a crime isn't committed but a legal ground of inadmissibility may exist nonetheless, even in those cases you need to get your mindset right, a legal professional needs to get their mind set right, to be able to prepare their client for what likely will be asked and this preparation is not in order to somehow fabricate or dance around the truth or anything like that. No quite the opposite. Such preparation should be done in order to concisely and accurately answer questions that are reasonably foreseeable. Now every once in a while and very rarely, some sort of curve ball question will get kind of thrown out of thin air. One time there was a case involving a fiancée where just out of nowhere they were asking some questions about, she told me about the interview later, they were asking some questions about the relationship and then just out of nowhere, "Are you going to work in the US?" Which it is perfectly fine to say, "Yes, I'm going to work as soon as I am legally authorized to do so." But that being said, for the most part, the Immigration Officers and the Consular Officers involved in the adjudication process of visas to the United States in my experience are not in the business of playing "stump there immigrant" if you will. They are not looking to sort of make people uncomfortable, put people on the spot or confuse anyone. But that being said, they have their own due diligence that they need to do in order to sort of go through and fulfill their function and for that reason, a good legal professional is going to be able to provide some guidance and insight into what likely questions could be asked and provide some insight into how best to concisely and accurately answer those questions so as to best facilitate and streamline the processing of that given visa application.