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USCIS Can (And Does) Lose Cases

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing USCIS and case filings of Immigrant and Non-immigrant Spousal and any kind of visa case for that matter.  

This is just a general video regarding USCIS. People ask me, mostly clients, "Why do I file paper filings?" Long story short is USCIS can lose stuff. The other reason we file paper filings and the other reason we use checks is we like to track them as best we can. I am not saying USCIS is going out of its way to be negligent nor am I saying USCIS is particularly prone to losing things but the fact is in the course of my career which is spanning at this point 14 years, I have seen USCIS lose cases half a dozen times, maybe a little more than that; it does happen. 

Now sometimes they sort of lose them and re-find them. They will say, "Well we don't have that", and then it sort of pops up on their system, but sometimes they just out and out lose the case; they just totally lose it. Especially with respect to paper checks, one of the reasons it is a good idea to still use those and I have used this before is, they have to process the check and if they have taken payment on the check, then they have the case. They have gotten it, they have just lost it internally. So again there is a reason. There is a method to my madness. I know a lot of folks say "Well why don't you do things digitally?" It is a lot easier to lose things digitally. I like paper filings and I have another video I am making contemporaneously with this one where I go into that in more detail but this video specifically, yes USCIS from time to time does lose whole cases. I have also frankly seen them lose things that are in a case file so we will get an RFE on something we already provided and low and behold they will say "hey we want to see this document!" Well we gave them that already and there was some kind of issue with that. 

So long story short, USCIS can lose things. It does happen from time to time. It is not overly frequent but it does happen and for this reason it may be a good idea to contact a legal professional in order to gain some insight and guidance in to how best to file so as to mitigate the risk of that occurrence.