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Is a US Fiancé Or Marriage Visa "Better" Right Now?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Marriage and Fiancé Visas so this is a comparison and contrast video.

I have been getting a lot of questions from folks lately, sort of offhand as to what is the better visa to process to the US coming off the Trump Administration and all of the backlog that seemed to have accumulated resulting from some of the policies promulgated there. Then also, things having to do with COVID; things are kind of opening up. We are seeing cases processed through the Embassy on an active basis now and people have been asking me "Well what is better? If I am getting started now, we are unmarried you know we have all the options available, Fiancé Visa or Marriage Visa, what is better?" Well it is fact dependent. I know I probably sound like a broken record to long term viewers of this channel but it is going to be very dependent on your specific set of circumstances. First off, understand that. 

Now when comparing the two, it is good to understand that K-1's are a lot different insofar as K-1 Visas are going to have a different kind of processing cadence if you will especially with respect to the National Visa Center. One real sticking point we have seen here recently through no one's fault, there is just a big backlog and National Visa Center is processing cases a lot more slowly. The National Visa Center has less to do with K-1s. They do process them through. They act as a sort of clearing house but they are not as actively involved compared to US Marriage Visa counterparts, specifically the CR-1 and the IR-1. There are various ways of comparing and contrasting that and again it is going to be based on your specific set of facts. You should never make any really life altering decisions or forebear from making life altering decisions based solely on matters pertaining to Immigration. However, that said, being separated for a prolonged period of time can alter one's life and it can certainly alter a couple's relationship. 

So the thing to take away from this video is it is going to be fact dependent. There are a number of factors to consider with respect to the way things are processing out in the United States as well as once they get over abroad, specifically here in Bangkok or greater Southeast Asia. So it may not be a terrible need to gain some legal advice, get some advice and guidance on this. Also probably again you are going to need to really deeply reflect on what you are willing to deal with as far as the aftermath of getting a K-1 fiancé into the US and all the work associated with regularizing a spouse's status thereafter or front loading everything and dealing with a longer processing time to even come to the United States.