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Frustrations in the K-1 Visa Process

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing frustrations associate with the K-1 Visa Process. 

Unfortunately, this last year really threw the entire Immigration system to the United States into a cocked hat for lack of a better term. It really just wasn't good. We saw a lot of things implemented by the last Administration that seemed almost intentionally like it was designed to make the Immigration apparatus obtuse or difficult to navigate. Then COVID hit and the Administration seemed to use that as an opportunity to make it even more difficult and we ended up with almost a total deep freeze on cases in the second half of the year where we saw virtually nothing processing out.

Then things changed with the new Administration but we do have some issues I have seen with clients whose expectations are that “okay, Biden is in office now. Things should just all turn right back on and BOOM we should just be moving ahead.” It is not really how it unfortunately is probably going to work at least for the forthcoming few months. What I mean to say by that is there is a backlog. The system was all gummed up. They are moving forward with the cases that were ready, they were in the queue and ready to go but as it sits right now, we are in a situation we are moving things as fast as we can. The system is moving things as fast as it can but unfortunately it can only move so fast and the backlog is quite substantial. I will say watching the US Embassy process cases over here they are doing things as fast as they can. Everybody is trying their best but the system can only handle so much and it can only move so fast. 

I understand people's frustrations. Believe me, I am just frustrated as you are. I don't seem like it because I have gotten pretty thick skinned to this stuff after some 14 years of doing and dealing with all of this. I am pretty used to just it being what it is and I don't mean to chuckle at that but you get used to it and there isn't much you can really do about it so there is no point for me to get overly flustered. If anything, it will hurt my clients’ cases if I get that way because I am not thinking clearly and I am not trying to move things ahead as best I can.

I understand the frustrations out there. Try and stay as calm as possible. For our clients we are moving stuff ahead as quick as we can. For folks out there who are just watching these videos to gain some insight, yeah it is a cumbersome process; it hasn't gotten any easier the past year. I think we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but we are still in the tunnel.