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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawUS Immigration LawCR-1 and IR-1 Visa Cambodia: The DS-260

CR-1 and IR-1 Visa Cambodia: The DS-260

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the IR-1 and a CR-1 Visa. Those are Immigrant Spouse Visas. Presumably with respect to this video, we are talking about Khmer spouses of American citizens or lawful permanent residents processing their cases through the US Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The DS-260 is basically a digital form that has to be filled out and uploaded digitally with the National Visa Center in order to continue processing an Immigrant Spouse Visa case. Basically, you have to go online, you have to fill in everything that is in there. It is a lot of information pertaining to one's identity, a lot of information pertaining to one's vital statistics and also address history around the world. It also pertains to questions regarding legal inadmissibility; so questions regarding things like a criminal record or a record of activity which could be grounds for legal inadmissibility. Legal grounds of inadmissibility are things like, even if you are not convicted of it, crimes involving moral turpitude, drug use, prostitution or just criminal history of any sort needs to be disclosed in that documentation as well as other activities which may be considered a ground of inadmissibility, even political activities under certain circumstances.

So the DS-260 has to be compiled, filled out and uploaded with National Visa Center in order to continue the processing of a case. There is supporting documentation associated with the filing of a DS-260 but it should not be confused with affidavits of support and other documentation which relates to the American or lawful permanent resident's obligation to provide financial support and sponsor that intending immigrant or joint sponsorship for the intending immigrant; that is not what it relates to. It relates primarily to Identity and vital statistics for the prospective immigrant concerned.