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"7.4 Million Cases" Of "Non-Detained" Illegal Aliens In The USA?
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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the issue of 7.4 million cases of non-detained illegal aliens in the United States. I thought of making this video after going on Twitter, I'll go ahead and throw this up, quoting directly: "Per multiple Federal sources ICE's non-detained docket has exploded to 7.4 million cases, more than doubling the Trump years, and it's on pace to hit 8 million by end of year. Each ICE Officer now has to manage an average of 7,000 cases each, an impossible task given the Agency's current staffing levels. ICE currently only has roughly 6,000 Deportation Officers nationwide." 6000 Officers nationwide, and each Officer has a case load of like 6 or 7,000. Those numbers are just stratosphering. Meanwhile, they had no problem adding a bunch of staff to the IRS to tax the American people! No, no we can't add anybody to this. Okay. Quoting further: "And not all of them work on the non-detained docket." Yeah, not all of them are doing this, they have other things to do. Quoting further: "The non-detained docket means not in ICE detention." These people are just wandering around. "It is made up of migrants who have crossed the border illegally and have been released into the US with pending Immigration cases/future court dates, as well as," and this is key - "as well as illegal immigrants who have already been ordered deported by an Immigration Judge, but are still in the country."
Then going over in this same sort of tweet string here. This looks like it is from Fox News, whatever, but it's a quote from representative Mark Green - Tennessee, quoting directly: "The bipartisan laws that have been passed by Congress make very clear that illegal aliens must be detained, but Biden and Mayorkas," and it is notable that Mayorkas has been impeached by the way: the Head of the Department of Homeland Security has been impeached. Now he hasn't been removed from office because in the Senate they just sort of had some truncated, in my opinion, questionably a legitimate proceeding, where they just sort of said 'well we don't care' and they didn't actually have a removal trial which I don't understand how you do that but whatever. Let's leave that aside for now. "Have instead directed and overseen the mass release of illegal aliens into our communities. Would-be border crossers around the world are making the bet that if they cross under this Administration, they will be released into the interior. These numbers show that's usually a winning wager." Well yeah, it looks like it is a winning wager.
I have to say, it is really difficult for me to, with a straight face, talk about US Immigration law and policy. It is especially galling out here from Southeast Asia where I have to talk to guys, primarily men but sometimes I talk to American women who have a significant other over here, and say to them "yeah it's going to be 18 months, it's going to be 20, 24 months in the worst case scenario", depending on the type of Visa you are seeking, depending on the process as it exists at that time. Again you are looking at a situation wherein you have people just completely flouting the law along the Southern Border and then you have people who are sitting over here in Southeast Asia who are trying to obey the law and do it correctly and all you are seeing is them stymied and frustrated and obtuse neo-Soviet sort of issues within the Bureaucracy or apparatus associated with Immigration, and then you also see things like, and this happened under the Trump Administration, so it seems like there's a bipartisan initiative to make the legal Immigration Process completely cumbersome to the point of unbearable and the illegal Immigration process to be just the Wild West of lawlessness. But yeah during the Trump Administration we even saw them close down the local office at USCIS which was a major benefit to American expats especially living here in Thailand, because if they had a spouse, they could avail themselves of that particular venue to file their petition for an Immigrant Spouse Visa and it was quite honestly a more truncated process. But they got rid of all that notwithstanding the fact that the largest Embassy on the face of the planet Earth is the US Embassy in Bangkok, but the one thing we don't have over here is an office of USCIS which we have a Liaison Office for every other piece of the American bureaucracy, but not that one. That makes a lot of sense!
In any event, the point of this video if you can't tell, it's very galling to watch Immigration Policy being made in the United States which to my mind is completely counter to the interest of the United States and the American people. Meanwhile, the policy toward folks that can't get to the to the southern border is basically be obtuse, be Byzantine, have this neo-Soviet again sort of apparatus that sort of quasi-works but in reality is quite clunky and really is in kind of a state of disarray. That is a very frustrating juxtaposition to deal with when you are dealing with the Immigration space.