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Will Thai Marriage or Retirement Visas Be Better in 2022?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Marriage Visas, kind of comparing them to Thai Retirements Visas going into 2022. I have had some correspondence from folks; this is kind of a question that is often posed to retirees here in Thailand who happen to have a Thai spouse. "What is better, Marriage Visa or Retirement Visa?" I am going to kind of do this analysis through the lens of going into 2022. Which is better going into 2022? 

Well I don't mean to sound like a broken record but of course things do depend on the specific facts in a given case. There are going to be different people that it may be more advisable for them to use a Marriage Visa and then in other cases, seemingly similar cases, it may be best to go for a Retirement Visa. That is going to depend on the facts and the factors associated with a given applicant at a given time. Overall, I have always said with Marriage Visas there is the scrutiny element. They tend to and in certain cases they actually even investigate whether or not a marriage is genuine; whether or not it is a sham marriage. That issue doesn't seem to come up with Retirement Visas. Retirement visas tend to be a bit more straightforward. 

Which will be better in 2022? I think it depends on circumstances. All things considered, yeah, there is a lower financial threshold that has to be met with respect to a Marriage Visa. However, when you weigh that against the possibility of heightened scrutiny, in my opinion I think oftentimes maybe the Retirement Visa is just a nick better, just a shade better maybe than and a Marriage Visa in a lot of cases. Again, it is going to be case specific, it is going to be fact dependent so it is going to depend on your situation.