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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawWhy Do Foreigners Need to Do 90 Day Reporting?

Why Do Foreigners Need to Do 90 Day Reporting?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing no one's favorite topic in the expat community, 90-day reporting. I can't think of a topic that when it is discussed with clients or with people that correspond with us via this channel or send us emails, I can't think of a topic that is more disdained than this one. I can't think of a topic that more folks communicate a certain level of at minimum frustration all the way up to cold hard hatred of a certain protocol and that is 90-day reporting. I was recently reading in an article from the Bangkok Post article is titled: Grimaces replace smiles for retirees. The Bangkok Post was interviewing Immigration Bureau Deputy Commander, Police Major General Achayon Kraithong. So this is somebody who can provide serious insight. Quoting directly, and it was a Q&A essentially. So quoting directly: "Why are foreigners with a one-year Visa or more required to report to Immigration Officials every 90 days? Quoting: "They are required to do so under Section 37, sub-section 5 of the Immigration Act. However to make it more convenient they can do so via postal mail or online." I am here to tell you postal mail can cause some issues especially from a logistical standpoint; we have seen issues with that before and I have seen mixed reviews from folks that use the online system. We assist a number of clients every day frankly with 90-day reporting. Folks that basically are clients of the firm we often times will assist in those matters on their behalf or assist them in going down and dealing with it. 

Long story short, nobody loves 90-day reporting and another part and not to say that enough wasn't said, Section 37-5 of the Immigration Act is the correct section where 90-day reporting is noted. Another thing, a key point in the Immigration Act of ‘79 is there is a difference, there is a bifurcation in the Act between Non-Immigrant Visa holders and Immigrant Visa holders. That is Permanent Residence and Non-immigrants and of course citizens; at that point you are not even dealing with Immigration anymore. Residents are not treated the same way, you don't have to do 90-day reporting when you have Permanent Residence in Thailand. Also, you are not renewing a visa on a yearly basis; you are not doing things like TM 30 reporting as far as address. So again it is going to vary greatly, well there is a major variance between those who are in Non-Immigrant Visa status and those who are in Immigrant Visa or Permanent Residence status here in the Kingdom of Thailand.