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What Will a New Quarantine Look Like in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing what the possibility of a newly imposed quarantine would look like here in Thailand. We have done another video on this channel contemporaneously with this one discussing the possibility of a re-imposition of quarantine. I have gone through the analysis on that. I have also gone through a little bit of my opinion as to why I think the CCSA needs to seriously, seriously weigh the cost benefits associated with imposing a quarantine at this time especially against of imposing a quarantine which we know what the cost is of that. Substantial economic suffering, loss will come from that. Also what is the benefit? As we have discussed in the other video, does Omicron rise to the level of "threat" to warrant that level of response? If a "quarantine" quote and I am going to put this in quotes because they are using these terms very loosely throughout the media. I haven't been thrilled with the way that the media has been handling this, the coverage of this. I think it has been a little bit overly hysterical. Also multiple different sources have been saying "oh quarantine is going to be re-imposed” or implying it when the reality is one, this has merely been proposed; it has not been promulgated as policy yet. At the same time, it hasn't happened and getting people all worked up about it doesn't really garner a lot of benefit for anybody. Meanwhile it may not be a true imposition of quarantine in any real sense as well and I will explain right here. 

So this recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is title: "Test and Go" country list to change. Quoting directly: "The Government is expected to revise its list of 'test and go' countries following the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 as details on Monday emerged of the country's earliest recorded local case of the strain. General Supoj Malaniyom, (yeah sorry), Chief of the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration's operations base said the list of low risk countries eligible for the tourism opening scheme will be reviewed, (REVIEWED) and COVID-19'S screening measures will be intensified. General Supoj said the CCSA'S operation centre will identify "high risk" countries before holding a meeting on Friday to decide on the extent to which the 'test and go' scheme may, (MAY) need to be revised. If the risk of further infection is considered high, the scheme may be suspended completely." Again, "may be suspended completely". None of this is a foregone conclusion. As we have noted in other videos, I really think that the reaction associated with all of this Omicron is really just, I hesitate to use the word ridiculous, but I fail to be able to find another word for it because quite frankly, yes we are seeing it, it is a variant; it is there, it exists but as noted and I don't want to get too deep into this, this doesn't have the fatality rates associated with prior iterations of this. Yes it is more transmissible but it is my understanding that that is the nature of the beast when it comes to viruses they become more transmissible and less deadly as time goes by. 

Therefore as I have noted in other videos I think a serious contemplative hard look at a cost benefit analysis associated with shutting down this country to foreign tourism at a time when quite frankly we are starved for it. We need foreign tourists in Thailand, there is no doubt about that. I am not making these videos as some kind of complaint. I am making them because I am just observing the fact that this is a country I love and I worry that economically we are going to have even bigger problems than we already do now because the long term ramifications of re-imposing a quarantine could be substantial and they could be substantially negative, not to get too deep into that. I am hoping that after serious consideration some kind of balanced approach or perhaps even taking the position that look notwithstanding the fact that this exists and we have got to deal with it as we have discussed another videos, I mean this becomes endemic and then at that point you just have to learn to live with it. We can kind of maybe say hey the cost associated with absolutely undercutting the tourism economy might be too much to bear compared to the "benefit" we may get by imposing these quite Draconian and economically for lack of a better word devastating types of restrictions.