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What Happens to Thai O Retirement Visas as the Emergency Decree Ends?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the O Retirement Visa, not to be confused with the O-A Retirement Visa. And let me be clear, we have done a number of videos on this channel; you can go and type into our search function O or O-A Retirement Visa. You can see a number of videos on our channel regarding that and comparing and contrasting the two. We made another video contemporaneously with this one discussing implications for the O-A. This video is specifically discussing the O Retirement Visa.

I have had some people ask me what happens to the O Retirement Visa if and when the Emergency Decree comes to an end. Well let's presume it just ends. There is no promulgation of any of the regulations currently at play due to the Emergency Decree. Let's presume they don't try to make any of those permanent. If that doesn't happen and the Emergency Decree comes to an end, we snap back to the rules as they were in quarter one of 2020 and those rules dictated that O Retirement Visa holders did not need Health Insurance in the same way that O-A Retirement Visa holders need Health insurance. However, under the Emergency Decree, there are these documents called a Certificate of Entry that needs to be obtained by those who want to come into Thailand. Regardless of the fact that they already have a Visa, they still need a Certificate of Entry so an O Retirement Visa currently does not require Health Insurance but a Certificate of Entry does. As the Certificate of Entry is a product of the Emergency Decree, presumably if the Emergency Decree is rescinded, then that requirement for insurance in order to get into Thailand or return to Thailand for that matter on one's O Retirement Visa, that requirement of insurance may fall by the wayside, it may just go away. 

Now again, to some extent this is speculation but under the regulations and rules as they presently sit, if the Emergency Decree was to end, presumably we would snap back to the standard rules regarding O Retirement Visas and under those circumstances we would have a situation on our hands where O Retirement Visa holders could return to Thailand without needing to get insurance which is currently associated with the Certificate of Entry.