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What Firms Issue Thai Retirement Visa Insurance?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are yet again discussing Thai Retirement Visas; specifically the insurance that is now mandatory in order to be able to obtain a Thai Retirement visa or a Retirement Visa extension here in the Kingdom.

Insurance has been a topic that we have been discussing for some months. We discussed it speculating whether or not this might eventually be a requirement some time ago. It did come to fruiting that in fact “Yes, retirement insurance be deemed required.” It is now required that those who are seeking an extension here in the Kingdom or for that matter a Retirement Visa from a Thai Embassy or Consulate abroad, be able to go ahead and show that they have insurance which will provide 40,000 baht in Outpatient coverage and 400,000  Baht in Inpatient coverage.

Now the thing to keep in mind with respect to this is there is some disparity with respect to the discretion that Consulates and Embassies have with respect to issuing Retirement Visas based on insurance overseas. There is still some confusion as to whether or not overseas insurance will be accepted by Immigration Officers here in the Kingdom but one thing we do know for sure is that there are certain firms that will be providing retirees Insurance coverage that comports with the Retirement Visa application requirements and these firms are listed in this, which we are going to go ahead and put up this on video, so just to name them:

Navakij Insurance Co. Ltd,                       AXA Insurance Public Co. Ltd,

Thai Vivat Insurance Co. Ltd,                              Pacific Cross Health Insurance Public Co. Ltd,

The Viriyah Inusrance Public Company        Bangkok Insurance Public Company Limited.

So there are 6 companies which are going to be providing this insurance for those who are looking to stay in Thailand in retiree status. It appears that they will provide said insurance that comports with the requirements that Thai Immigration is going to be imposing here shortly. It remains to be seen exactly when as a practical matter these requirements are going to be implemented but I think it is fairly safe to say that it is going to happen relatively soon or they wouldn’t have announced it. I think they announced it with the intention of going ahead and implementing it shortly thereafter.

So I think it is fairly safe to assume we are going to see folks needing this insurance fairly soon and those who are looking to extend in-country, I think your best bet with respect to insurance is probably going to be one of these companies because it will be best evidence, presumably the policy will be in Thai as well as in English, I don’t know about English, but I definitely know it will probably be in Thai which will be easier for the adjudicating Immigration Officer to review and for a lot of other reasons I think it is safe to presume that one of the most straightforward ways of gaining a Thai Retirement Visa extension in the future is through insurance with one of these companies.