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What Are 90 Day O Retirement Visas?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing 90-day O Retirement Visas.  I have had some correspondence on this, people basically asking me about them. 

We did some video on this back I guess it has been a little bit over a year now. For those who don't recall, there was a time going back into the summer of 2020, the deep lockdown when it was hardly possible to even get in to Thailand at all and then they started phases of reopening and then they allowed O-A Retirement Visas to come in but that for a period of time left O retirees kind of out in the cold. It even resulted in some cases of people who got stuck out of the country even before retirees were allowed to come back at all who lost their retirement status. Basically their Retirement Visa expired while they were abroad. They came back in and to kind of clean this up they created the 90-day O Retirement Visa. The way that I look at this is as a policy matter. This is effectively kind of a "fix it" device if you will, a bandage if you will. Its initial design was to allow someone who had retiree status in Thailand to get a 90-day O Retirement Visa, come back to Thailand and then use that O Retirement Visa to sort of retake their status, get their extension again and move on with their lives. 

Now in the future do I think there are going to be a lot of these issued? I kind of doubt it. I think it is going to be kind of rarity and again it is all going to be circumstantially dependent. The thing to take away from this video, it is not a wise presumption to think it could be possible. From our experience, the Immigration apparatus, in this case manifested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the form of Thai Embassies and Consulates, these folks are generally speaking, the policy is they want people to come in on an O-A Retirement Visa but there may be circumstances down the road where perhaps it may be appropriate to issue an O Retirement Visa. If you are concerned about this, you are kind of confused it may not be a terrible idea to contact a legal professional, gain some inside and guidance into how best to proceed.