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The "Upside" of Foreign Retirees Not Working in Thailand?

Transcript of the above video:

I have done some videos recently where we have talked about work authorization in a retiree context. I do know there are folks that can get quite heated on this that think that work authorization should be added into the Retirement Visa. I am not going to get into that, the pros and cons of that. One thing I do think a lot of people don't really take into consideration when they are discussing this overall topic, there is a major upside to affirmatively being barred from working in Thailand on a Retirement Visa and that major upside is there is no presumption or let's say the presumption is so massively mitigated regarding tax.

If you affirmatively cannot work in Thailand, the tax man is not going to be looking at you. I can't tell you and we deal with some tax stuff, we have a whole division that deals with Thai tax and I sometimes advise with respect to International Tax matters mostly in a corporate context but I can't tell you, I can't express in words quite frankly, how beneficial it is to just be presumptively set aside when the tax man starts looking around to find some money especially at a time like now where tax revenues are substantially diminished compared to times past. 

So look, folks that want to get work authorization associated with a Retirement Visa, it may happen. Let me be clear in this video, there is nothing here that I am saying that I want to be inferred that there is no tax liability on retirees in Thailand. That may not be true depending on your circumstances; it is all going to be circumstantially dependent. But, for the vast majority of folks and just in a broad paradigm sense, the fact that Retirement Visas don't have work authorization in my opinion is a boon from a tax perspective because there is no presumption set in place that retirees are even working here in the Kingdom of Thailand.