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Update: Business Visa Application Processing at Thai Embassies

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Business Visas and we are discussing them in the context of application processing at Thai Embassies abroad. 

As we are kind of seeing the end of this whole COVID situation, we are kind of seeing this wind down; a lot of talk about things becoming endemic; a lot of the requirements have been pulled back with respect to entering Thailand. One thing we have kind of noticed is there was more uniformity there for a while with respect to Business Visa processing. So from country to country or even from Consulate to Consulate within a given country so like you could see, we have always a real difference between the way Chicago in the United States processes things versus Los Angeles and I suspect it is probably because volume and sort of demand for those services. The point of this video, what I am trying to make is going back three or four months ago, the process was kind of uniform. It wasn't totally uniform, there were differences country to country and as we have in other videos, the Consular staff have some administrative discretion with respect to how they process a given case through for example the Thai Embassy in Tokyo versus the Thai Washington DC. There is a little bit differentiation there. The Thai Embassy in Beijing versus the Thai Embassy in Moscow or the Thai Embassy in Paris. There are just little kind of differences, sometimes they are big though too especially with respect to identification documentation requirements, especially out here in East Asia. That being said, it became sort of uniform under the Emergency Decree rules because they were all trying to deal with these new protocols associated with the Certificate of Entry and Thailand Pass, this, that and the other thing. We are seeing that fall away although Thailand Pass has not gone yet as of the time of this video. 

It has been interesting to watch because again those little differences are starting to kind of pop back up from country to country. Depending on where you process a Thai Business Visa it may be a little bit different than it would be in another location and that kind of wasn't the case going back about 3 months ago.