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Thailand's "Test & Go" Gone?

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This whole situation is moving rather quickly. If some of this information is stale relatively quickly we are sorry; we are trying to update this as fast as we can. The situation is moving at a rather rapid pace and we are trying to keep up with it as much in real time as we can.

Long story short, it appears the "Test and Go" is now suspended for at least the foreseeable future, or the immediately receivable future and just to get into some source material on that, this is from ASEAN NOW,, the article is titled: Thailand suspends “Thailand Pass” and "Test and Go". Quoting directly: "The PM announced on Tuesday afternoon that Test and Go will be put on hold until at least January 4, 2022." Quoting further, quote: "After December 21, there will be no new registration for "test and go" only quarantine or Phuket Sandbox said Deputy Government Spokeswoman, Rachada Dhanadirek." So that is basically where we are at on this. "Test and Go" is currently not an available option for those looking to come in.

We are doing other videos contemporaneously with this one where we will get into some further details but long story short, yes effectively the quarantine free entry into Thailand where you did a one night in a hotel, did a test upon arrival, waited in the hotel one night and then presuming a clear test you were allowed to leave, just go; "test and go", that has currently been suspended and it looks like it is going to be that way until January 4th. We will certainly be keeping people updated on this channel as the situation progresses.