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Thai Work Permits And B Visas Are Different For Teachers?

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A number of folks have asked me recently, they said "you talk a lot about Business Visas and Work Permits but I am a teacher here in Thailand and the rules that I have had to deal with, what you are talking about doesn't seem to be the same as what I am seeing." Well there's a reason for that. 

There's a specific regime for Business Visas and Work Permits associated with teachers and it kind of has its own set of rules. I don't talk about it very often because quite honestly it doesn't generally pertain to most of our clients. Most of our clients here in the firm are going to be folks that have set up corporations for themselves and are doing business here in Thailand. They are not necessarily for teachers who are working out here. 

So again, generally speaking, especially where you are dealing with the Thai Public School System, you are basically going to just want to defer to whatever they tell you to do with regard to your Business Visa and Work Permit. Meanwhile I do have to say, a bit of a gentle warning regarding private schools as oftentimes we will find that foreign nationals will say they have a lot of problems maintaining their Work Permit or even getting their Work Permit and Business Visa with a private school here in Thailand because for whatever reason, the school just doesn't seem to be either capable or willing to get the visa issued. That said, general piece of advice here, if you are teaching in Thailand in whatever capacity it is, that is work and no matter what folks say "oh don't worry about this", you need to have a Work Permit and you need to have a Business Visa when doing business and working even as a teacher here in the Kingdom of Thailand.