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Thai Visa Analysis Varies for Tourists, Retirees, and Expats

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Visa analysis or Immigration analysis, what types of Visas are going to be the best thing and looking into the future as far as Immigration Policy and how this is going to play for Tourists, Expats and Retirees. 

First off let's be clear. Obviously we know what tourists are; short-termers coming in just for a vacation. I think at least in quarter one of 2022 sitting here right here at the beginning of the year, things ain't looking good, to kind of drop back into sort of my Kansas vernacular. The situation is not looking great. Yeah tourists are going to be able to come but it looks like Phuket "Sandbox" is probably going to be the most pleasant if you don't want to go through quarantine, it is going to be about the most pleasant way to come in. Meanwhile, those coming in otherwise, "Test and Go" has been suspended at least as far as we know so it remains to be seen when that is going to come back. So tourism sort of is what it is. 

Expats, I kind of use this term, we are talking about folks that are either want to work here, folks are married to a Thai that either kind of base themselves here and live here full time, yeah it is not like it was back in December and November of 2021 where there was a window to get in with relatively little quarantine, but yeah we are assisting folks in getting into Thailand in Business Visa status, O Marriage Visa status certainly a possibility. 

Retirees, I have talked to a lot of these folks, folks that are willing and really want to retire in Thailand and there are quite a lot of them. I have seen a lot of them over this recent Christmas, New Year's holiday, a lot more folks around but they are all of the retiree subset. Yeah this is going to be a situation moving forward where there probably is a way to navigate you through getting into Thailand in a relatively, I hesitate say straightforward but in a manner that is going to be the least uncomfortable especially going through the Phuket "Sandbox" and then getting you into greater Thailand where you don't have to be hemmed into just one hotel room necessarily.

That stated there are still presently a lot of hoops to jump through to get into Thailand. I know that this is the cause of great deal of frustration amongst the Retiree community as well as Tourists and Expats. I suspect in the first quarter we are just not going to see a lot of tourists in the upcoming weeks, I just don't see that happening. Expats depending on their exigent needs, we may see quite a number of them. In fact, we saw a lot of that in 2021 and we saw a lot of that in the latter part of 2020. People just needed to get into Thailand for various reasons. So, we are certainly on hand to assist with those things and we will certainly keep people updated on the situation as it evolves.