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Thai Retirement Visas: O-X, O-A, O, and LTR?

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As a title of this video suggests, we are discussing the various and sundry subcategories of Thai Retirement Visas that are out there at this point. For those who are unaware of this, this can get kind of confusing especially now where we have got O-A, O Retirement, O-X Retirement, LTR, Wealthy Pensioner Visas under the LTR category, LTR standing for Long-Term Residence which as noted in other videos is not a Resident Visa. Those who obtain this Visa are not considered resident of Thailand nor does it start the clock ticking towards residence. It is just a very long, 10-year visa, long term residence visa but there is a retiree component. It is a rather high level threshold in terms of finances compared to for example the O Retirement Visa but it is there and you could call it a Retirement Visa.

As we have discussed at length in other videos on this channel, major differences are now coming to the forefront with respect to the comparative differences between the O Retirement Visa and the O-A Retirement Visa insofar as the O Retirement Visa does not require substantial insurance and the O-A Retirement Visa is going to require substantial Insurance starting in the fourth quarter here of 2022, so differences abound between the two of those. Meanwhile, you get over to the O-X which the O-X came about I don't know it has been like 5 years ago, it was a Long-Term Retirement Visa, I think it was a 10 Year Visa itself too and it just never really got off the ground. I kind of liken it to the Smart Visas that were kind of promulgated a few years back and they just never quite got the gumption up to do much of anything. I haven't seen an O-X processed since they brought it out. We have discussed it, I have assisted some clients on them but I haven't actually seen one go all the way to finish. With respect to the LTR, as previously noted in other videos, any Retirement Visa occurring under that is not going to come about until September 1 of 2022. So it remains to be seen exactly how the process is going to work with that. 

That said, we are definitely seeing a lot of people who are looking to get into O Retirement status in order to kind of sidestep the insurance requirements associated with the O-A.