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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawIs Thai Retirement Visa Status Possible Without Medical Insurance?

Is Thai Retirement Visa Status Possible Without Medical Insurance?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Retirement Visas. We are specifically discussing this in the context of insurance. We are not talking about the COVID insurance. That applies across the board right now to anyone coming into Thailand from abroad. What we are talking about here is the medical insurance which was created back in October of 2019. It is currently required that those who are coming to Thailand have to have medical insurance to the tune of 400,000 Baht in-patient coverage and 40,000 Baht out-patient coverage. This just a requirement. It is basically just one of the documents associated with getting a Retirement Visa.

A lot of folks have asked me “is it possible to get some sort of retirement status without insurance?” and my answer to that is “it depends on your circumstances.” I know that folks that watch us a lot on this channel are probably face palming right now, banging their heads saying “hey, thanks. It depends on the circumstances!” Long story short, it does depend on the circumstances of the given case and yes, it may be possible. For example, in Thailand O Retirement Visa extensions still do not require the medical insurance. They still don’t have medical insurance requirements. That said, your specific circumstances will dictate whether or not that will be even an option for you.

So long story short, yes it may be possible but again there may be a lot of different things you have to navigate in order to get eligible for that kind of status. It is not a terrible idea to contact a legal professional to gain some insight and guidance into how best to deal with this if you think that you may be eligible for this type of visa without the insurance coverage.